
This page describes the process of on-boarding a new adapter service onto the Amazon Yojaka product. The on-boarding an adapter requires you to perform a series of steps documented below and reach out to the Amazon Yojaka programme team to complete the on-boarding process once these steps are completed.

Amazon Web Services Setup

Amazon Yojaka is built on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform and requires you to on-board your adapter service on that platform.


The AWS resources that you create in this step are offered at no additional charge. You will only be charged for any non-Amazon Yojaka resources that you create in your AWS account.

Setup Instructions

  1. Create an AWS account - You need to create a unique AWS account for your adapter service. Instructions for creating and activating your AWS account can be found here

  2. Create an AWS IAM user - Sign-in to your newly created and activated AWS account and create an AWS IAM user. Instructions for creating an AWS IAM user are available here


    While creating credentials for the user, ensure that you enable programmatic access for the user.

  3. Manage your AWS IAM user’s access keys securely. Best practices for managing AWS access keys can be found here.

On-board With Us

Once you have completed the AWS setup, reach out to the the Amazon Yojaka programme team via email at smartconnect-support@amazon.com and provide us with the following information.

  • AWS account ID - This is the ID of your newly created AWS account. Instructions for finding your account id are available here.

  • AWS IAM user ARN - This is the ARN of your newly created AWS IAM user. You will find the IAM user’s ARN by navigating to the newly created user in the AWS IAM console.


    Click here to learn more about AWS IAM ARNs.

  • Adapter Name - Any name by which you would like us to refer to your adapter.

  • Contact Information - Provide us with your contact information including email addresses, phone numbers, etc. We will use this to reach out to you about any important information about the product. We would also use this to reach out to you in case we face any issues with your adapter.

  • Marketplace Name - The name of the marketplace that your adapter supports.

  • Channel Name - The name of the fulfilment channel within the marketplace that your adapter supports.

  • API Endpoint - The endpoint URL on which your adapter service’s APIs are hosted.

Post On-boarding Steps

Once on-boarding of your connector with Amazon Yojaka has been completed, the Amazon Yojaka programme team will provide you with the following details

  • An AWS IAM role that has been created for your adapter to invoke Amazon Yojaka adapters API

  • An AWS SNS topic that has been created for your adapter to receive asynchronous Amazon Yojaka notifications

  • An AWS KMS Customer Managed Key that has been created for your adapter to encrypt/decrypt confidential data

AWS IAM Policy

To enable your connector application to invoke Amazon Yojaka’s APIs, you need to attach a custom AWS IAM policy to the AWS IAM user you created above. Follow the steps below to setup this AWS IAM Policy.

  1. Open the AWS console for the AWS account that you created during the adapter on-boarding step.

  2. Navigate to the AWS IAM console by selecting the Services select list and choosing IAM in the list of available services.

  3. In the menu options on the left side, click on Users.

  4. Click on the user name of the user you created for your connector during the on-boarding step.

  5. On the Permissions tab, click on the Add inline policy link.

  6. On the Create policy page, select the JSON tab.

  7. Paste the JSON given below into the JSON editor after replacing the right AWS region and Amazon Yojaka AWS account for the stage/region that you are working with (refer to the table above).

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": {
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Resource": "<ARN of the AWS IAM role provided by the Amazon Yojaka team>"
  8. Click on the Review policy button.

  9. In the Name field, provide the name AmazonYojakaAssumeRolePolicy.

  10. Click the Create policy button.


Note that it might take a few minutes for any AWS IAM policy changes to take effect. If invoking any Amazon Yojaka API fails immediately after creating the AmazonYojakaAssumeRolePolicy policy, retry the same operation after a few minutes.

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